A.N.C.H.O.R Chicago

Over half a million people are homeless. There is a need for help in the streets and the communities all around. Anchor Chicago continues in its efforts to service the less fortunate. One way being through their STREET CAFE. Anchor Chicago will station in various locations multiple times a month with tables, chairs, tents, heaters (in the cold weather), and sometimes some music in an effort to cater to the less fortunate. Teaming up with a local mobile shower truck company, Anchor provides fresh hot cooked meals, new clothing and toiletries until all supplies that day are distributed.

Change the Narrative

Building Positive Partnerships with Community Entities

Hattie & Mattie
In loving memory of two very influential women our organization gives scholarships to students and community awards to community and city individuals and business who make an impact in some various ways. This is our way to continue that legacy of giving well into the future.
Scholarship & Community Recognition

Starting from Memorial Day Weekend and running until Back to School First Day, Anchor Chicago is geared up to provide fun summer activities and s a safe environment for the youth of all ages. Utilizing city parks and taking over city blocks, we bring in the activities, the bubble machines, the music, the bouncy houses, the jump rope contest, the dance contest against Mr. Anchor, the popcorn, the snacks, the fresh cooked hotdogs and burgers, the arts and crafts and so much more. There is a need to help the city bring back SAFE SUMMERS for our youth and our children of the future. Thats why Anchor Chicago also partners with several businesses and community entities to bring more of these activities to the communities in the inner city.